Wednesday 9 September 2009

long time no blog

Well - I wouldn't say I've been bust but I haven't had much time to do anything recently although I have managed to whip up a few cards for my demos. Also made the docraft remberence card cause I loved the stickers and the card they had made for it - so no credit there for me on that one I'm afraid

Monday 24 August 2009

Christmas comes early!!

I know it's only August but with the weather like it is here is might as well be Winter. Made this card last night - didn't set out to make a christmas one but wanted to see if you could stmp on glitter card - and this was the result.

Wasn't sure the colour was coling to work either thought it might have been to dark but with some inking round the edge I actually quite like it!!

Sunday 23 August 2009


Saw these clear stamps in hobbycraft the other day. I'm not usually a fan of Fairy things but for some reason these caught my eye and I fell in love with them. I think that there is a lot that can be done with these.

Hope your weekends are going well.

Friday 21 August 2009

After a hectic day swimming with the kids and visiting hobbycraft (my closest craft shop - at 40 miles away) I'm looking forward to the kids going to bed so I can do a bit of crafting with a glass of wine!!

These scrapbook pages are ones I started for my wedding album - we've been married for 7 years now and I 've only mannaged to do 3 pages!!!

Thursday 20 August 2009

Afternoon all!!

Well after a huge down pour and gail force winds for a mere 5 minutes this morning it's now a beautiful day here.

Should really be doing some crafting but am finding the sofa a lot more appealing this afternoon!!

Hope you like this scapbook page xx

Wednesday 19 August 2009

So woke up this morning to find my daughter was covered in chicken pox!! Great that meant my friend from bedford didn't come down for the day so was a little disapointed.

Thought about going to the beach today instead but didn't think the weather was going to hold - as it was it was beatiful late this afternoon was would have been lovely but - that's english weather for you - you just never know!!

Decided to walk the kids to the swimming pool and when we got there they told me it was shut so had two very upset children for the whole afternoon cause they wanted to go swimming.

Todays card was one that I had a feature on in Craft Stamper magazine last year - they definatly photographed it better than I did!! - but a whole double spread brilliant!!! Personally I didn't think it one of my best creations. Hope you like it.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

why won't it work?

Evening - have posted a forum topic on the trimcraft website asking you to visit my blog so if you have then Thank you!!

Am having trouble siging into docrafts forum - it says I haven't regisered although I have an it's starting to get a little annoying now as it happens all the time.

Well, didn't manage to get to the beach today - it was cold and overcast here today plus I was up every hour with the kids last night so didn't fancy the 1 1/2 hour drive to sit on a cloudy beach!!

Hope you like todays card.

Any comments are appriciated - gives my not very good self confidence a boost.